Variable Auto-Transformer "Linear" type
They are used for varying the supply voltage equipment such as transformers, motors, test benches, etc.
Control and measurement module in epoxy coated steel, high-strength polycarbonate panel with wheels for easy transport.
- Electric power: 220 V up to 6.900 Vca 50 or 60Hz
- Output voltage: 0,6 up to 200 % from Supply Voltage
- Phases: 1, 2 or 3
- Variation of the motorized tension.
- Power rating: 15 up to 1.500 kVA
- Distortion Level: less than or equal to 1 %
- Duty cycle: 1 hour switched on, 1 hour switched off. (On request they can be supplied with other duty cycles)
- Output Voltage Measurement with kilos voltmeter, analog or digital, connected to the high voltage output (direct measurement)
- Measuring the output current with microamperimeter, analog or digital, connected in the feedback circuit of High Voltage (direct measurement)
- Signposts: Lamp "Power On", Lamp "Output Power On", Lamp "Output Power Off"
- Protections: Zero volt, external contact, overvoltage, overcurrent (ultra fast), thermal magnetic circuit breaker, fuses
- Timer
- Alarm sound
- Measurements with "MEMORY"
- RS 232 output
- Remote control output
- Automatic output voltage stabilizer
- Direct Current Output